The In2research programme is designed to provide you with opportunities to gain insight into the world of research, develop transferable skills, and gain valuable research experience. While on our programme, participants will encounter researchers, volunteers, In2research staff and other participants. It is important that all In2research participants act professionally and display appropriate behaviour at all times whether at an in-person or online activity.
In2research aims to make sure everyone who participates in our programme knows what is expected of them and feels safe, respected and valued. We know that all participants will use their good judgement while on the programme and agree and abide by the Participant Code of Conduct.
You are expected to:
- Be committed to the programme. To be eligible for your research placement and receive your stipend, you must:
- Attend live or watch the recording of at least three of the four workshops.
- Attend at least three of your four mentoring sessions.
- Complete all programme surveys.
- Complete a research output at the end of your placement.
- Be engaged and actively participate in all programme activities.
- Be on time to all programme activities and let us know in advance if you are going to be late or absent.
- Communicate with the In2research team if you experience any issues affecting your attendance or engagement on the programme, including the issues affecting your attendance and engagement at the mentoring sessions and the placement.
- Keep up good communication with your Mentor and Placement Host. This means responding to their emails in a timely manner, informing them of your lateness or absence and being proactive in re-arranging missed sessions.
- Behave appropriately and professionally, being courteous and respectful to everyone you interact with as part of the In2research programme.
- Respect the confidentiality of your Mentor and Placement Host’s work, and ask what you are allowed to share.
- Contact our Safeguarding Lead ([email protected]) if you have any wellbeing or safety concerns while on the programme.
We will take all reports of inappropriate and unprofessional behaviour seriously. Use of offensive language and imagery, acting abusively or aggressively towards anyone, bullying or harassing others, or engaging in otherwise disrespectful behaviour, are strictly forbidden on this programme. Failure to adhere to the Participant Code of Conduct may result in a participant losing their place on the programme.
To protect the health and safety of all participants, everyone is expected to show that they have read, understood and agreed to follow the code of conduct, and that they understand the consequences of inappropriate behaviour in order to participate on the In2research programme.