In2ScienceUK student Richard broadens his horizons

Richard, a sixth form student in Birmingham, was motivated to join the In2ScienceUK Virtual Placement Programme after we visited his school assembly.

“Since a young age I have been intrigued by science, specifically astronomy and computers, so I jumped at the opportunity to take part in live lectures with world-class experts in their respective fields.”

Nearly two weeks into the programme and it’s great to hear how much he’s enjoying it. “The research tasks have broadened my horizons and allowed me to challenge myself and learn. The lectures I have found very good, as there is a sense of community in a way, as all people in a subject lecture are like-minded individuals.

This programme has been invaluable to me and I have already made several friends and connections with lecturers, and it has only been running for just over a week so far.” 

We’re extremely grateful to our partner the Paul Hamlyn Foundation, who help support Birmingham based students, like Richard, on the In2ScienceUK Virtual Placement Programme.  

Click here to learn more about how the Paul Hamlyn Foundation helps others like Richard.