A group of four early-career researchers from the MRC Brain Networks Dynamics Unit at the University of Oxford, Dr Natalie Doig, Dr Shenghong He, Beatriz Silveira de Arruda and Charlie Clarke-Williams worked together to deliver a research course on ‘Interacting with the Brain’. We caught up with them about their experience of interacting with In2scienceUK!
The MRC BNDU has worked with us over the last four years, and proudly supported us to pioneer the In2scienceUK Placement Programme within Oxford. The Unit considers diversity to be key to delivering excellence in research, and partnering with us has offered them a great way to encourage and empower students to pursue education and careers in STEM.
Whilst they are used to hosting students in their lab, the team this year gave our students a virtual introduction to neuroscience and cutting edge research techniques on our new online platform. They were able to engage students with real data from their experiments from home, through a research task hosted on Google Colab which got students learning to code in Python.
Each of the scientists involved in delivering this research course told us they enjoyed the experience of adapting and presenting their work to A Level students, and relished the enthusiastic discussions with the pupils!“In2scienceUK are a very well-run charity full of committed and friendly people. It has been a pleasure working with them and hope to continue our relationship in the years to come!”
We have loved the chance to work with all of the MRC BNDU team and want to thank them for their hard work and continued support!