“In2scienceUK is an amazing, beneficial programme to help students navigate their way through the world of science.”
This is what Rumesa, an A-level student from Oxford, had to say about her experience getting involved with our programme, where she had the opportunity to learn more about neurology and neuroscience with help from the Guarantors of Brain.
Rumesa already had a love for biology, but was unsure of which steps to take next in developing her STEM pathway. “I love learning about the human body… I thought it would be beneficial to talk to different specialists in science in order to help me make a decision as to which career path I would like to take”.
Through our research modules, students like Rumesa have taken a deep dive into neurology research, finding out how Parkinson’s affects the brain, learning about ADHD in mice, and hearing from a group of researchers at the MRC Brain Network Dynamics Unit. “The webinars have been amazing to watch and be involved in.”
Rumesa has also been mentored by Alexandra, a post-doctoral researcher at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience at University College London. “My mentoring session was beneficial…I signed up for the In2scienceUK virtual placement programme in order to gain a deeper understanding into the world of science and gain insight from someone who has been through the university application process”.
Thanks to the Guarantors of Brain, students like Rumesa have been introduced to the world of neuroscience and made great connections with neuroscientists.