Before my In2scienceUK placement, I attended school in Reading where I was studying Biology, Chemistry, Maths and French at A-Level. At the end of Year 12, I decided I wanted to study Biology at university. However, I did not know much about the UCAS process as I was the first from my family to attend university. I was also interested in a career in Research and was very excited to work with a Post-Doc researcher when my placement was confirmed.
During my In2scienceUK placement, I spent two weeks at the University of Oxford working at the Jenner Institute; a research institute involved in developing vaccines. My placement allowed me to explore A-Level Biology topics in greater detail and this opened my eyes to the field of Immunology which I had not studied at school before but realised that I thoroughly enjoyed. The highlight of my placement was designing and undertaking an experiment and presenting the results to a group of researchers in a lab meeting. It was a nerve-wracking experience but helped me to decide that I would enjoy a career in research.
Overall, my In2scienceUK placement was nothing short of life-changing. The laboratory experience I gained during my placement strengthened my personal statement when applying to university. As well as this, the personal statement workshops on offer during my placement provided me with the confidence I needed to apply to Imperial College London where I am now studying Biological Sciences. As I apply to internships, I continue to discuss my In2scienceUK placement in applications and this has allowed me to achieve a place on the Neuroscience and Mental Health Internship at Wellcome this summer.
I am incredibly grateful for the support I received during my placement from the In2scienceUK team as well as the support I continue to receive as an alumna. I cannot wait to develop the interests I sparked during my placement as I complete the second year of my Biological Sciences degree. I also look forward to applying to the In2research programme to support my journey to completing a PhD!
My advice to those currently in Year 12 is to research and explore all of your options, many brilliant opportunities such as In2scienceUK placements are advertised online. All you have to do is take the time to research what’s out there to support your interests! Work experience and summer schools are fantastic as they allow you to explore many different career options and can help to solidify your future plans. Make sure you research what is out there and don’t miss out!
If you have previously taken part in the In2scienceUK programme and would like to share your experience and where you are now with the rest of the In2scienceUK community, then get in touch with us at [email protected]. We would love to hear from you!